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  • Stefanie Isaksen

    Meet Stefanie, Your Wealth Management Search Consultant & Founder

    I started Ivy Way Placements because I’m passionate about challenges—I don’t just enjoy them; I thrive on them. I love pushing my limits and reflecting on how far I’ve come. I’m fiercely competitive with myself. At the same time, I genuinely enjoy helping others, bringing people together, and making new friends. So, I decided to combine my two passions.

    I believe that everyone has the potential to improve when given the right opportunity. Many people tend to settle into comfort and routine. When they’re content and satisfied, they often don’t seek out new job opportunities. Then, when someone unexpected, like me, comes along, they start evaluating their situation. They might even find themselves considering a change due to circumstances beyond their control, and sometimes, that leads them to my contact information.

    My goal is to help everyone around me succeed in their careers and lives. I truly believe that connections and achievements are more meaningful when you have someone cheering for you and celebrating your victories together. 

    I’ve decided to raise the bar for myself once again and make a real change in the recruiting industry. I specialize in helping Wealth Management candidates shift gears and move forward

First things first

After an initial consultation meeting, we will assess your skills, needs, and goals to see if we can help. If all goes well, we'll take you on as a client or candidate and get to work.

Strategy planning

We will develop a game plan based upon on your goals and needs. Whether it be your exit strategy or marketing strategy. We will market you or your company out to our partners. Making sure that there is an alignment every step of the way.

Winning together

We will prep you with presentations and backgrounds on our clients or candidates. After debriefing from your interviews, we will come away with a deeper understanding of what it is that you really looking for. Recalibrating and fine tuning after each session. 

Why it really matters

Sure, a resume is a representation of your skills and experience, but it's not a revelation. It means little if you don't have the resources to execute it. People want to work with people that they would grab a coffee with. They need to picture you as a part of their extended family. You can be the smartest person in the room, but if you have little to no EQ, it's not going to matter. No one wants to be seated next to the creepy guy at lunch. 

Getting our hands dirty

We will be doing a deep dive into your personality and background. We may need you to take a cultural index exam, update your resume, or your LinkedIn portfolio. We will require you to answer some hard questions about your future and your past. You may need a few practice interviews before we send you on an interview. This is not only a part of our process, but it's also for your benefit. Especially if it's been a while since you have been off the market.

Welcome home

After we have found a few matches for you and our clients. We will negotiate on your behalf and present you with an offer letter. This is about building a better opportunity for you and not about our ego. We will present you with your options and let you decide which one to choose. We want this to be the last time you ever have to interview again, and we will not pressure you to accepting something that doesn't feel right.

Money can't buy you time

A few things to consider...

Cultural alignment is the key to long term success and career growth. If you're not happy with your current firm, then give us a call. We will develop an exit strategy, create a timeline, and walk you through it. You will have our full support every step of the way.
Working alongside of people you admire and who want to see you succeed is one of the greatest feelings in the world. No one wants dread going to work. Waking up Sunday and getting sick to your stomach thinking about Monday. Or work alongside of shmucks and people who don't care about quality. We will make sure that you are surrounded by likeminded people who want to see you grow.
Growth in the right direction may not always mean more money, but a better opportunity. Look at the whole picture and not just compensation. Your quality of life is worth more than a paycheck. If it means that you make less money, but you are working from home, happier, more productive, and a better employee, would you not take that trade in? In the long run, climbing the ladder in the right environment, with the right people is what matters most.

Our Team and Specialist

The secret sauce. We work together because we want to!

Director of Operations

Janeen Leite

Finance & Accounting

Executive Search Consultant

Melissa Flaherty

Legal & HR

Executive Search Consultant

Terence Martin

IT & Project Management